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Knowledge is Confidence

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FAFTB Blog Header - Knowledge is Confidence

We’ve all heard the phrase “knowledge is power.” At First Aid for the Blind, we’ve noticed a step missing in that equation. Really, it should be…

Knowledge is confidence, which leads to power.

FAFTB has had several clients testify that the confidence and hope they feel after working with our trainers is life-changing. They often come to us overwhelmed, depressed, and unsure of their place in the world. With our help, their perspectives change, and that gives them a self-esteem boost to once again see themselves as independent, capable people.

For example, consider these special individuals:

  • Linda, a recent client, has been practicing with several mobile apps to help her with daily tasks. She said, "I felt a lot better because now I know there is so much out there that I can use.." Linda is looking forward to re-entering the workforce in the near future.

  • Valarie, another recent client, has started interacting with others who understand her situation. She said, “I'm beginning to meet new people, and that's encouraging.”

  • John, one of our first clients in 2023, struggled with self-worth before working with FAFTB. After his lessons, he noticed that his mind was open to new possibilities in his life, and his attitude and outlook were improving. “My perspective, instead of being narrow, has widened,” he said, “and my field of understanding or vision, however you want to look at it, is widening.”

At FAFTB, our trainers understand the position of our clients because they’ve been there themselves. They understand the emotional, mental, psychological, and social implications of blindness, in addition to the physical challenges.

That level of empathy allows the trainers to provide information with compassion and real-life examples. They offer tried and true methods and have personally tested multiple apps and assistive technology devices that make navigating the world a little easier. Plus, through their own journeys with vision loss, they have collected lists of valuable resources that our clients can now utilize.

Truly, our FAFTB trainers are a treasure trove of knowledge and compassion. Their lessons give our clients the confidence to live full lives, allowing them to pursue jobs, education, relationships, and more.

So, you can see why we believe knowledge is confidence, which can lead to power. This quote from former First Lady Michelle Obama sums up this thought nicely:

“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.”

If you’d like to learn more about First Aid for the Blind, visit our Services page.


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